Students are not permitted to carry or distribute any prescription or non-prescription drugs or treatments, including aspirin, on the school grounds or at any school function. The administering of medicine to a student outside the doctor’s office or a health institution is a parental responsibility and should not be delegated to school personnel except under unusual circumstances. Parents should ask their physicians if it is possible to prescribe medication so it can be administered at home. Only when necessary will the school allow the administration of medication on campus, and only under the following guidelines:
An “Authorization for Medication” form must be completed and submitted by a parent or legal guardian of the student. The name of the medication and dosage should be indicated on the form.
Medications to be taken by students must be personally brought by the parent or legal guardian to the School Office. Medications to be dispensed at school must be labeled with the child’s name and the exact dosage. The name and telephone number of the physician should also be on the label. Students may not bring the medication to school alone.
If a student must take any medication during the school day, the medication must be kept with the Nurse or School Office and the student must go there to take it. While the school will monitor a student taking the medication, the school will not remind students to come and take their medication.
Each parent is asked to complete an emergency card annually. It is essential that precise information be entered on the student's emergency contact card so that we are able to notify you if necessary. Please make sure that all telephone numbers, emails, addresses and other pertinent information (i.e. allergies, illnesses, emergency contacts, guardians) is up to date on the card. If at anytime throughout the year the information changes, please contact the school receptionist to make the necessary changes. It is imperative to your child’s welfare that our records remain up to date.
In the event that an incident occurs and you need to be contacted, the office will use the emergency card to inform you of the situation at hand. Please be aware that if the child is to be picked up due to illness and/or other event, that you do so without delay so as to not cause any inconvenience to those involved.
Emergency Rescue Services will be contacted if deemed necessary by the school personnel and they will determine the extent of the emergency.
While it is impossible to foresee every type of emergency that might occur, St. Brendan Catholic Elementary School has an emergency plan that provides guidelines and procedures for different situations.
When emergency conditions have been declared by the county (such as severe weather conditions), St. Brendan Catholic Elementary School will dismiss and resume classes in accordance to Miami Dade County Public Schools and the public announcements for Archdiocesan Parochial Schools. Parents should tune in to local television/radio broadcasts pertaining to the events.
Under the direction of the Archdiocese of Miami, St. Brendan Elementary School follows the following COVID-19 protocol linked below:
St. Brendan Elementary School
8755 SW 32nd Street
Miami, FL 33165
Phone: (305) 221-2722
Fax: (305) 554-6726